Friday, June 14, 2024

Dark Side of the Moon

 She was beautifully out of place.

Dark Side of the Moon
Cut & paste paper collage, 11x14, 2024

Thursday, June 13, 2024


The Northwest Collage Society has set an interesting theme for its next exhibition -- scrolls.  I've just finished my two submissions, and they were truly fun to make. "We Made a Map of the World But We Never Got To Use It" is simple rice paper scroll collaged with newspaper cutouts, tissue and decorative papers, hand-cut paper shapes and thread.  The images are abstract, but reminiscent of maps and globes.

"Modern Women" is a cotton fabric scroll created from some old hand-sewn quilting squares, collaged with cut-outs from early 1950's women's magazines.  The scroll hangs from a vintage wooden towel holder with hand-painted vegetables dancing across the top.

                        Modern Women, 10"x50"                       We Made a Map of the World, But We Never Got To Use It, 12"x50