Thursday, December 5, 2013

Say Your Prayers

 Ecce Bob

Elle Est Mon Refuge

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I'm so glad I found you!
    I was looking for your image, "You should have better held your tongue." I have been pinning you for a while now, and that particular piece has really struck a cord with me. I'm a big paper collage enthusiast anyway, even though mine aren't very good. You have such a gift for it!
    I just kicked off my very first blog a couple days ago (link should be below) and will be telling survival stories of how people survive chronic illness. My own story is perfectly summed up in your piece. I was wondering if you would permit me to feature it on the blog at some point? Any linkbacks or information would be furnished, of course.
    I hope you will consider it.
    Be well,
